Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Seminar Assignment

 A Study On Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Information Technology To The Students Writing Ability at SMAN 1 Kota Kediri Academic Year 2011/2012

Chapter I. INTRODUCTION (click here!)

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Steamed Brownies

Steamed Brownies Ingredients
6 white eggs
225 grams of white sugar
1 box Vanilla
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon ovalet
125 grams of sifted flour
50 grams of cocoa powder
has been sifted and mixed with wheat flour
75 ml cooking oil
100 grams dark cooking chocolate (DCC),
has been melted and mixed with oil
75 ml Sweetened Condensed Milk chocolate

How to make Steamed Brownies
Prepare the mold and then Cover with baking paper, spread with butter and sprinkle with flour.
Once the mold is ready to heat the steam and then wrap the lid with a cloth.
Prepare materials, Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy then mix ovalet, beat until white and fluffy.
Next enter the batter into the flour and cocoa powder mixture slowly, bit by bit until they run out then stir well.
The next step included a mixture of DCC and use a spatula to stir oil until blended.
Make the dough into 3 parts namely the A, B, C
Sweetened condensed milk into the batter mix B and mix well.
A pour batter into molds and then steamed 10 min.
Next Pour dough B then steam again in 10 minutes.
Finally pour the batter C steamed again about 20 minutes, lift and serve.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Beauty Tips

ice cream ... Who dislike ice cream?? I think most people like it. In addition to delicious food, ice cream can be used for beauty as well .... it can make someone, especially young women or women who are elderly can become more beautiful. you know why????? yyyaaaaa because the ice was cold (hahaha) that cold temperatures can make the skin more taut. Moreover, before used make up you should put this ice in the face so make up can stick tight like a stamp.